Distressed woman holding her head while talking to an expert

Understanding NDAs and California's STI Disclosure Laws

Navigating the complex relationship between privacy laws, such as non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), and public health mandates, including STI disclosure requirements, is increasingly important.

With its progressive approach to legislation, California offers a valuable framework for examining how privacy concerns and public health needs can coexist and impact both individuals and organizations.

What is an NDA?

A Non-Disclosure Agreement, or NDA, is a legally binding contract that establishes a confidential relationship between parties. The agreement specifies that sensitive information shared will not be disclosed to others.

NDAs are commonly used in business environments, particularly in scenarios involving potential business partners, new employees, or to protect proprietary information.

California’s STI Disclosure Laws

On the public health front, California requires that individuals diagnosed with an STI must inform their sexual partners of their health status. This law aims to prevent the spread of infections and protect public health.

Notably, this obligation is a legal requirement, and compliance can result in significant legal consequences.

The Clash Between NDAs and STI Disclosure Laws

The interaction between NDAs and STI disclosure laws raises complex legal and ethical questions. For instance, suppose a person covered under an NDA learns about someone's health status, specifically their STI condition, during a confidential meeting.

The NDA would typically prevent this person from disclosing the learned information. However, California’s STI laws mandate disclosure to potential and current sexual partners for the sake of public health.

On one hand, respecting the NDA preserves the trust and confidentiality crucial in business and personal interactions. Conversely, adhering to STI disclosure laws is vital for public health and personal ethics.

Legal Perspectives

From a legal standpoint, public health laws like those requiring STI disclosure are generally considered a higher priority than private agreements like NDAs. This is because public health concerns carry weight in protecting the broader community’s well-being.

Consequently, if an NDA shields the information regarding someone’s STI status, the individual with knowledge of this status is still likely obligated to disclose the information to the relevant partners despite the NDA.

Rights and Responsibilities Under California's STI Laws

Rights of Individuals with STIs

California's STI laws provide individuals diagnosed with an infection a set of rights aimed at protecting their privacy and dignity. These rights include:

  • Ability to seek medical treatment without unwarranted disclosure of their condition
  • Protection against discrimination based on their health status
  • Assurance that their personal health information will be handled with discretion

The state's legal framework is designed to support individuals in managing their health while safeguarding their personal information, fostering an environment where they can address their medical needs without fear of social or professional repercussions.

Responsibilities and Penalties

Alongside these rights, California imposes clear responsibilities on individuals with STIs. The law requires them to disclose their status to potential partners and, in some cases, to public health officials.

Failure to fulfill these legal duties can lead to penalties, ranging from fines to more severe legal consequences. It is essential for individuals to understand their obligations under the law and to act accordingly to avoid the ramifications of non-compliance.


Navigating the complexities of California's NDAs and STI disclosure laws presents unique challenges. The key to managing these challenges lies in understanding the legal hierarchy and ethical considerations that govern these issues.

Reach out to KMD Law today at (833) 456-3529 to learn more.

